Helping you transform your business.
Find your people. Build a brand they love. Find more of them. Sell more of what you make. Repeat.
Simply put, we exist to ensure your success. It’s what gets our creative juices flowing. But we also understand that true success requires balance and can be defined by many different measures—economic, social, environmental or even outright hedonistic (after all, we are talking about boozy beverages here).
That’s why our approach is centred around getting to know you better. What you enjoy and what you don’t. What keeps you up in the middle of the night. How you define success. And what that success will mean for you, once realised.
And that’s just the beginning. We then take our curiosity and pair it with your vision to create transformative outcomes through strategic thinking, informed design and customised digital implementation.
Meet the Team

Matt founded Parallax back in 2001 and has been at the helm ever since. It’s fair to say a lot has changed in that time, including the length of his hair! When not playing Director in the studio, you’ll usually find Matt playing his Gibson onstage or training for a marathon. Though his wife might argue that he spends more time online buying wine these days than he does on track. We know who we side with but choose not to throw him under that bus. After all, we enjoy wine deliveries here in the studio—especially when we get to drink them.

Kellie Campbell-Illingworth is Creative Director at Parallax. The only thing she enjoys more than being around her work family is spending time with her real family, Django, the dog included. Kellie is a lover of mid-century modern design and things that sparkle—jewellery and alcoholic beverages included. We lovingly refer to her as our Sparkling Queen here in the studio because she really does love everything about Australian bubbles—from what’s outside the bottle to what’s concealed within.

Amanda might be our Strategic Director, but she comes to the role with many years of design experience and wine industry acumen. She writes the vast majority of our client copy and possesses some pretty strong powers of persuasion—which can be a good thing when she’s on our side. Out of hours, you’ll usually find Amanda outdoors seeking sun and sea, with a non-fiction book in hand or a glass of wine. Often, you’ll find her enjoying both simultaneously—we guess that makes her ambidextrous?!?

Jo is our Studio Manager here at Parallax, but we use that term somewhat loosely. Not only does Jo look after the books and keep the studio stocked and running, but she also handles our production. Ex-hospo and with a chef as a husband, Jo loves dining out as much as she hates experiencing the cold. And that's precisely why she chooses to vacation close to the equator most years—but we also think the availability of Negronis may be up there on her holiday checklist.

Josh is a longstanding Senior Designer at Parallax whose superpower is bringing logic and simplicity to complex systems—be it identity, wayfinding, or digital. A tech-head at heart, Josh is our first call with computer problems or when we can’t figure out how to get that Photoshop thingy to work. When not solving our dilemmas with humility and far more patience than we deserve, Josh can often be found discussing his love of BBQ, not that we’re complaining. Though we are still waiting for a dinner invitation—we’re pretty fond of a Parallax party.